The evidence on Doulas is numerous. Research has shown and proved that “Doulas can empower women to achieve the best birth outcomes possible, and all outcomes—for births, infants, and mothers—seem to be affected more positively if support is provided by a doula in addition to the medical personnel.” However, I sense that there is also great misconception about us doulas.
Doulas are not only there for the expecting mother, in fact, doulas are actually there to support and to serve the expecting father too. This means that a Doula joins to help, to encourage, to support and to serve the family -both mom and dad. So, a doula plays an important role in helping your partner to feel confident and empowered in knowing how he can help you the best. I cannot say it enough times, a doula will never take the place of your partner! A doula will instead empower your partner!
It is well known that one of the best ways to support a pregnant woman is through strengthening her confidence in her ability to give birth. Likewise, it is known that the partner most of the times is the person whom a mom will hear, will reach for and/or will turn to see during the challenging times of birth. This means that it is dad’s behavior and level of confidence that could give a mother that extra burst of confidence or could give extra anxiety. So, the partner will benefit from the doula’s guidance and the doula’s knowledge that it was acquired through the training and certification as well as through the previous experiences.
In an article, Maria Pyanov CPD, CCE wrote:
“Being the sole emotional and physical support for a laboring woman can be overwhelming for some partners. If we look at birth throughout history, we often see women surrounded by other experienced women offering continuous support. Our shift in birth norms over the last century has made it uncommon to have multiple continuous support people. Partners provide an intimate and essential role that cannot be replaced, but a doula can come alongside to help relieve the pressure of being the sole support of a laboring woman.”
So, how can a Doula empower you and your partner through this unique journey of yours?
I strongly believe that one of the best ways to support a birthing woman is to help build her confidence in her ability to give birth. And, a doula will help your partner feel empower through evidence based information so he can help you maintain that confidence and strength during the challenging times of childbirth.
We will also guide and we will also teach your partner the different techniques that we have learned. In my case, I will also put in practice and I will teach you both some of the knowledge that I acquire through my Holistic Training in Auburn University as well as the techniques learned through the Doula training.
In a 2015 artcile, DONA International said:
“Having a third person involved may raise concerns that doulas will come between the parents. Doulas are, in reality, a support person for fathers as well, ensuring that the partner’s physical and emotional needs are also met. Just as doulas see to the comfort, hydration, nutrition, and calm of laboring and new mothers, they also see to these needs for fathers. When doulas and partners work together, they are a very powerful support system combining knowledge of birth, labor, breastfeeding and newborns, with intimate understanding of this particular mother and her needs, desires, communication styles, and emotional responses. The doula’s training and knowledge are available to fathers and are shared via suggestions, examples, or referrals allowing the partner to be a greater participant in providing support and decision making.”
Finally, I strongly believe that your partners touch plays an important role in creating a safe and relaxing sense of wellbeing; and this is because your partner’s touch is associated with a loving and a pleasant feeling, and that’s the message that we want to send to your brain.
Therefore, my mission is to bring the two of you together, to help you both have confidence in the process, to help you both know how to cope and how to help each other during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. We will do all this for your family because Doulas are for DADS as much as Doulas are for MOMS!
From my heart, I want you to know that my true reward is to know that the both of you have a powerful birth story to remember for the rest of your lives!
Dayana Harrison Birth Services
Disclamer: All the information in this publication is strictly for informational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice, therefore the information provided by this or another publication is not a substitute for a visit or consultation with your healthcare provider, and should not be interpreted as medical advice. All the information in this publication and on this page have the strict and only intention to clarify, share and offer information. At the same time, the content comes from different articles which can be found at the end of each publication in the respective list of references. Finally, I want to clarify that I have no commercial or personal relationship with the authors of the articles mentioned. And if in any case, you have other experiences, questions and so on, please leave a comment so I can help you with any questions you may have, or write me at
Campbell D. A., Lake M. F., Falk M., & Backstrand J. R. (2006). A randomized control trial of continuous support in labor by a lay doula. Journal Obstetrics and Gynecologic Neonatal Nursing, 35(4), 456–464 [PubMed]
“Dads & Doulas: Myths & Resources.” DONA International, 21 Sept. 2016,
Pyanov, Maria, and CCE. “Dads and Doulas – 7 Ways Doulas Benefit Dads And Partners.” BellyBelly, BellyBelly, 1 Apr. 2018,