Can’t I just educate myself online using Google and YouTube?
A lot of that info you find online about pregnancy and birth? It’s inaccurate! The benefit of the Evidence Based Birth® class is that we curate all of the best, evidence-based information for you. What’s more, you can ask your experienced Evidence Based Birth® Instructor questions any time– meaning you’ll have someone to mentor you through the process!

What does your childbirth class include?
Mentorship from Dayana Harrison experienced certified doula (CD DONA), Evidence Based Birth® Instructor, Pelvic Floor Trainer, and student Midwife (Phase 2, CPM).
Two in-person classes for your partner and you to practice labor skills and comfort measurements at the comfort of your home.
Five weeks of online videos for you and your partner to watch together
Four video chats with your Instructor!
Breastfeeding and newborn care preparation!
Six Month Access to all online materials!
BONUS: You may bring an extra support person (your doula or family member) to the comfort measures rehearsal, at no added cost to practice and learn advanced comfort measures.
BONUS: Access to my lending book's library!
BONUS: An complementary Holistic Pelvic Wellness For Pregnancy session to support the parent during pregnancy and birth as well facilitate recovery!

Childbirth Education

Practicing Comfort Measurements for Birth

Childbirth Education

Childbirth Education